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Perspectives Change

Brittney Hiller

When we travel our perspectives change.

Have you ever visited somewhere new? Some place completely different than where you live? Do you notice how your perspective may shift, if only just a little? Recently, my husband and I went to visit the city he was born in, Chicago, IL. He lived there up until he was about 8 or 9 and enjoyed many fun memories of the city and areas around it. While we were visiting, the idea to do a quick Facebook Live came to mind. (You may watch it below) I discuss perspectives and how where I live now, Beaufort, SC, my perspective is vast open landscape and a leisurely lifestyle. (Meaning I can get anywhere in around 10-20 minutes with ease. Yes, even on a day filled with "traffic".) Yet, while visiting Chicago I noticed the hustle and bustle, the fast pace, the ability to get bogged down if I was seriously living and working there. The tall buildings downtown gave me a new view, something I hadn't seen since I lived in Charleston, SC. However, even then I didn't have to walk terribly far to have views of landscape as far as the eye can see. Lake Michigan gave me a new perspective as well. Never had I ever seen fresh water waves! An entirely new, yet exciting experience for me. The water was so teal and clear, the sand was a bit wet, but easy to get off my feet, and the coolness was invigorating. All new-ish things to me as salt-water has been my jam since I was 4. This experience opened my eyes to realize that there are other worlds out there, other ways of living, other perspectives and just because I live a certain way, does not mean that all people live this way, too. In order to connect on a deeper level with others, we must first take a moment and truly contemplate on how they actually live.

Don't even get me started on when it snows there - that my friend, I have no idea how people survive it for months at a time - yet. May you be inspired to go out and explore. Connect with new cultures, new experiences, new people and watch your world magically open! Peace + Love, Brittney

Brittney Hiller is a professional yoga teacher, speaker, and founder of Effervescence YogaSpa.

She loves living a life of inspiration, joy, and happiness! She genuinely teaches others how to create and live in their own happiness through her Yes To Possibility! Coaching.

She may be reached personally at

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