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Brittney Hiller
Aug 26, 2014
5 Tips to Create a Yoga Retreat at Home
Do you ever experience a week from H - E - double hockey stick? Or find that you are just d to the r a - drained? Me too, and last week...
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Brittney Hiller
Aug 15, 2014
Wait, Did You Say Laughter AND Yoga?
Ah, yes. Laughter Yoga. You may have heard your friends braggin' about it on the street. (or maybe that was this one crazy dream I had..)...
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Brittney Hiller
Aug 6, 2014
Flexibility in Yoga? I can have that?
Ever wonder just WHEN flexibility in yoga will be reached? In this video I discuss a students concern about when flexibility will begin...
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Brittney Hiller
Jul 17, 2014
The "Bear Necessities" of life.
I recently spent a week with my younger sisters, and through this experience I was reminded of my own childhood. I am thankful for this...
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